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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Malaysia Flight: New Hope As Chinese Satellite Spots Object In Indian Ocean


Have the Chinese discovered what everyone else couldn’t? The country’s satellites picked up yet another object, they believe to be connected to missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370, in the remote Indian Ocean search zone on March 18.

The discovery was revealed on March 22 by Malaysia’s acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein during a press conference where he presented the latest developments on the search for the missing plane via a note he received mid-conference.

Chinese Satellites Pick Up Large Object In Indian Ocean

Chinese satellites spotted signs of a “suspicious” object measuring about 72ft by 42ft in an area about 75 miles west of where Australia reported an earlier sighting of floating debris on March 19, reports the DailyMail.
Chinese state media reported that the images were captured around lunchtime on March 18. The report came just two days after the sighting by the Royal Australian Air Force who originally singled out the southern Indian Ocean as a search area.
“This floating object is 22m long by 30m wide,” said Hishammuddin after being handed a handwritten note in Chinese.
His figures were contradicted by Chinese media, suggesting that portions of the message were lost as the Minister translated the note from Chinese to Malay.

Malaysian Authorities Confirm Chinese Satellite Images

Just two days ago Australian authorities claimed that they had picked up a similar suspicious object in the same area.
The discovery brought new hope to the many friends family and loved ones of the 200 plus passengers that went missing along with the plane. Unfortunately, the object turned out to be a shipping crate.

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