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Friday, March 21, 2014

11 Things learnt from "The Amazing Spiderman-2" Movie

1. Film Begins With a Bang!

We saw the opening 15 minutes and can say that the film opens with an extended, and incredibly thrilling, sequence that fills in some blanks when it comes to Peter's parents. Richard Parker is even more involved in the science behind Spider-Man than previously thought.

2. Peter & Gwen Graduate, Gwen's Valedictorian

Peter and Gwen are graduating high school and heading into the "real' world. Why, Webb explains: "There's a thematic resonance with people moving on, with graduation, which felt really potent to us. The graduation speech was a way to introduce the universe and the themes of the movie in an interesting way. That just felt right."

Comedy Dream Team Helped Write Jokes!

3. Comedy Dream Team Helped Write Jokes!

Spider-Man has always been adored because of his humor. Webb told us that is even more present in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. "We did something that sometimes big comedy movies do, which is you get a roundtable of comedians and you just have them spit jokes out. You can't really tell who's in it! But these amazing comedians, many of them are comic book fans, came in and helped us with coming up with the one-liners and quips that are part of Spider-Man's universe."

Norman Osborn Not Only Osborn Causing Trouble

4. Norman Osborn Not Only Osborn Causing Trouble

Norman Osborn still has a part in this Spider-Man world. "Norman Osborn, who is played by Chris Cooper, has a really interesting component," Webb told us.

5. Gwen & Peter Part!

Sure, they graduate together. But, in the footage we saw, Gwen and Peter have agreed to separate and it's been a year before they see each other again. See... Peter's promise to Captain Stacy from the first movie is weighing heavily on him.
We See What Electro Sees

6. We See What Electro Sees

Webb utilizes movie technology impeccably and further proof of that is how he shows us what Electro sees. The world, to him, is one big electric grid. It is visually arresting.

Times Square Action Sequence Sizzles

7. Times Square Action Sequence Sizzles

Webb has outdone himself and crafted one incredible action sequence that takes place in Times Square and features the first true encounter between Electro and Spider-Man. It. Is. Explosive.

8. Harry Breaks Out Electro

Dane DeHaan's Harry Osborn has issues, there is no question. Since he will become a Spider-Man villain in Green Goblin, he knows he has an ally in Electro. So, he breaks him out of capture and the two head out to "catch themselves a spider."
What is Roosevelt?

9. What is Roosevelt?

Richard Parker uploads something called the Roosevelt files. They get further explained in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Their contents are worth killing for.
Spider-Man Meets Max Dillon

10. Spider-Man Meets Max Dillon

Max Dillon becomes Electro, but before that happens, Spider-Man saves his life. So... what happened that these two would become arch enemies?!

Lizard Question Answered

11. Lizard Question Answered

At the end of The Amazing Spider-Man, the Lizard was talking to someone. We find out who that is!

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