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Sunday, March 23, 2014

This Is What Servicing a Lexus LFA Looks Like

This Is What Servicing a Lexus LFA Looks LikeSome owners prefer to keep their LFAs locked and only take them out for special occasions, but there are some others that like to put some miles on their odometers. Which is really good, because Lexus made this supercar to be driven as its much easier to live with than any other supercar.

However, if an LFA is being driven constantly it will need servicing, and if you wondered how servicing a supercar looks like, here’s how it’s being done. Surely doesn’t look like servicing your Renault Espace.

First thing, you need to know that there are only 500 Lexus LFAs in the world and one of them, a blue one actually, can be found in the UK. It recently reached 6.599 miles on the odometer and also the time to do the three-year service as required by the automaker.

Almost every LFA in Europe needs to go at Toyota Motorsport GmbH (TMG) in Cologne for the job and this blue one made no exception. This is because an LFA is closer to a racecar than a standard road-going vehicle and it requires more attention and special tools.

The only thing resembling your typical service maintenance job is when they change the oil and filters. Then, everything gets harder. All panels surrounding parts like the suspension, steering system and subframe are removed, everything is checked and re-checked, including nuts and bolts.

Taking out the clutch 
Taking out the clutch

Squeaky clean
Hydraulics are another important section of the checklist and many of them are pretty hard to reach, but still they get checked and given a visual inspection for leaking and other kind of damage. Brakes are also taking care of in a professional way and they are first given a visual and tactile inspection. Next they get weighed to check their wear. There’s also an X-ray machine at the facility but the technicians never used it to check for cracks in the brake pads so far because the material has been built properly and nothing gone wrong.

The list goes on and on, but after everything is checked, the technician has to make sure the car runs OK before every unmounted panel is being bolted back on. So he takes the car on a slow run through the facility to let everything warm up and function in normal parameters. Then the car is taken through out the city and even on the Autobahn.

Clutch and exhaust out
                                                              Clutch and exhaust out

Out for a test
                                                                  Out for a test

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