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Friday, March 21, 2014

L’Wren Scott: Eerie Report Predicted Death & Mick Jagger Troubles


How haunting. L’Wren tragically took her own life on March 17, but while her death sent shockwaves through the entire fashion and entertainment industries, one report posted days before strangely foreshadowed the horrible things to come.

L’Wren Scott: Report Foreshadowed Death & Relationship Struggles

Most of these blind items are grossly unfounded and uncorroborated (remember Joe Jonas‘ sex tape?), but this one is hauntingly eerie considering how on-point it was, and that it was basically the only report to correctly hint that things were not well with L’Wren.
Since the fashion designer committed suicide, multiple reports have come out claiming that both L’Wren’s professional and personal lives were in turmoil, that she was allegedly on the verge of closing her business, and that she feared she and Mick were growing apart.
It’s so horrible that some of the claims made by this report came true, and the eeriness of this prediction just underscores how tragic L’Wren’s death is.

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