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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Malaysia Flight Miracle: Officials Say Passengers Might Still Be Alive

The families of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 have renewed hope after Malaysian officials claimed that there’s still a possibility survivors could be found. An official met with families on March 29 to reveal to them that efforts are still being made to find more than just a downed aircraft.

Malaysian officials are offering up a miracle to families of missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370. On March 29, a Malaysian official met with relatives, and then told reporters he had not closed the door on the possibility that survivors may exist among the 239 people aboard the Boeing 777-200 ER that went missing March 8.

Malaysia Flight 370: Officials Say Passengers Might Still Be Alive

Families have been grasping at any chance to believe that their loved ones who went missing on flight 370 could still be alive. Their prayers and hopes were boosted after a Malaysian official spoke to some of the family on March 29, reports CNN.
“Even hoping against hope, no matter how remote, of course we are praying and we will continue our search for the possible survivors,” said Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia’s acting transportation minister.
“More than that, I told the families I cannot give them false hope. The best we can do is pray and that we must be sensitive to them that, as long as there is even a remote chance of a survivor, we will pray and do whatever it takes,” Hishammuddin added.
Hishammuddin met with family members, who’ve been listening and waiting as data analyses and estimates of Flight 370′s locations have changed.

Malaysian Officials Claim Survivors Of Missing Plane Could Still Be Out There

On March 28, Australian authorities released their analysis of new satellite data, and determined the location of debris at a new site, which could be associated with the missing plane.
Australian authorities have since abandoned the remote region of the Indian Ocean where search crews had spent more than a week looking for Malaysian Airlines flight 370, reports CNN. Their new data confirms that the plane could not have flown that far south.


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