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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Rihanna: You’re Right To Ask Drake For A Commitment-LATEST

Rihanna — you’ve spent enough time being double-timed during your relationship with Chris Brown. You’re smart to ask Drake for a monogamous relationship now — you deserve it!

Rihanna — you are one smart, beautiful and talented woman, and so it’s no wonder that Drake is crazy about you. But having a fun, casual relationship with Drake would only end up leading to romantic frustration in the longterm.

Rihanna: Ask For Commitment — You’re Right To Want Exclusivity From Drake

That’s why I’m giving you a big high five for asking Drake to give up any and all of his other lovers, and to take your romance up an important notch. You’re making that commitment to him too, so Drake is getting the full benefit of your love!
“Rihanna told Drake that it was time to be ‘mature’ and that she wanted to take things to the next level,” a source close to her said.
“It was a mutual thing, really,” a source explains. “She thinks it’s time that they be more mature about this and so does Drake and that’s where things stand.”
Rihanna — that’s absolutely the right thing to do. You spent years in and out of a relationship with Chris Brown, breaking up after his vicious assault in 2009, and reuniting briefly in 2012 after your revealing interview with Oprah where you admitted that you still loved him.
After you suffered that brutal and traumatic assault at his hands, you spent years recovering psychologically from that relationship, only to fall in love with him all over again. But even when you and Chris reignited your romance, he still carried on a relationship with his other flame, Karrueche Tran.
You were in the midst of a love triangle and that can’t have been good for your ego!
Rihanna — who needed that? Why would you settle for sharing a man? No woman wants to do that or needs to do that. And Rihanna, you’ve been so strong in your professional life. You’ve produced hit after hit, commanded the stage in world concert tours and made hundreds of millions of dollars. Plus, you’re a fashion and beauty role model and a generous philanthropist.
In other words, you’re firmly in control and in charge of the rest of your life. No one can say that you’re not a strong woman — you are. But you let your love for Chris make you willing to accept a less than 100 percent commitment from him.

Rihanna — Asking Drake To Commit Will Only Make Him Respect You More

Rihanna, we know how love can make a woman behave in a way that’s just not “her.”
That’s why we’re so proud that you’re starting your relationship with Drake in the right way. You’re asking for a commitment that you deserve. You’re asking Drake to respect you and your relationship.
“They’re not about to run and go get married. It’s not like that,” says the source. “They’re playing it safely and responsibly. Rihanna just wants her mind at ease and since she and Drake are intimate, they’re trying to be smart about their relationship and be adults about it.”
Absolutely! You are being an adult. And you’re asking Drake to be the same. At 26, you are a grownup, and at 27, Drake is too.
Rihanna, you’re doing the best thing for yourself by asking Drake to treat you like the treasure that you are. It will only make him respect you more.
What are your views?

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