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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Malaysian Flight 370: ‘Most Promising Leads Yet’ Discovered In Search


Australian aircraft crews spotted new objects floating in the waters off the western coast of Australia on March 30, and investigators are calling these objects the most ‘promising leads yet’ — but why?

The search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 continued  on March 30, and managed to turned up fresh potential clues. Excellent weather conditions gave one Australian aircraft crew the opportunity to detect many objects in the water west of Perth. The crew eventually spotted four  new objects floating in the water that might be the most promising clues yet to unravel the mystery of the missing aircraft.

Malaysia Flight 370: Search Continues — ‘Most Promising Leads’ Detected 

The four orange items of interest, prompted the crew to take photos of the objects. Afterwards, they sent the coordinates marking their location.

Flight Lt. Russell Adams said the crew couldn’t, at this time, determine if the objects were from the airliner, which officials believe went down in the southern Indian Ocean more than two weeks ago, reports CNN.
Russell called the discovery of the four objects one of the “most promising leads” searchers have come across.
The items of interest were more than 2 meters (6.5 feet) long, he said.
Authorities analyzed the images and are in the process of sending a ship to the debris location.
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority, who have been some of the lead investigators in this case, stated that the objects picked up by ships on March 29 turned out to be fishing equipment, and other items not related to the missing plane.

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 Search Continues: New Objects Spotted In Indian Ocean

These new objects might bring some added comfort to the friends and family of the 239 passengers who were left without answers in the wake of the plane’s disappearance.
On March 29, a Malaysian official met with families and offered a tiny sliver of hope — a chance at a miracle by saying, “Even hoping against hope, no matter how remote, of course we are praying and we will continue our search for the possible survivors,” said Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia’s acting transportation minister.
“More than that, I told the families I cannot give them false hope. The best we can do is pray and that we must be sensitive to them that, as long as there is even a remote chance of a survivor, we will pray and do whatever it takes,” Hishammuddin added.


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Nick Cannon showers Mariah Carey with birthday diamonds

Out of all of our favorite celebrities, Mariah Carey may have had the best birthday ever this year. Ladies, diamonds were involved… and A LOT of them!
The legendary singer celebrated her 44th birthday this past week, and while she enjoyed all the love from her friend and fans, it was family time she loved the most.
Mariah posted a new photo to her Instagram with hubby Nick Cannon, who had just given her a gorgeous diamond encrusted bracelet with three butterflies in it.
In the adorable photo Nick is all up on his girl and cheesing away. Mariah captioned it:
"Nick surprised me for 3/27 with a stellar diamond bracelet encrusted with 3 floating butterflies! I’m just happy he’s here!!! #familytime #festivity"

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To cash in online you need to be a game-changer. When Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook, there was nothing like it. He is now worth $17.5 billion according to recent Forbes valuations. Drew Houston saw money to be made in online storage, and co-founded Dropbox, the web-based tool that hit $240 million in revenue in 2011. Eric Lefkofsky spotted the potential in Groupon and gave $1 million to CEO and founder Andrew Mason. Last year, Lefkofsky made the Forbes Billionaires list with a net worth of $2.9 billion. There are still fortunes to be made online, and we have found five ways to do so.

Make A Viral Video

Karmin, real-life couple Amy Heidemann and Nick Noonan, made it big when their cover of Chris Brown’s “Look At Me Now” went viral. The video, which has gained over 68 million views since its upload in April 2011, propelled the duo to a million dollar deal with label heavyweight Epic Records just a month later. “Brokenhearted,” the lead single from their debut album, has now gone platinum. Music videos are not the only clips that make money. If you are lucky enough, you could shoot a video of your child, pet, or a double rainbow that strikes a chord and goes viral. YouTube could then get in touch asking you to become a partner, meaning the site will run ads along with your clip and share over 50% of the revenue with you. The father of “David After Dentist” has made more than $100,000 from YouTube ads alone. From there, diversify into TV appearances, merchandise and even iPhone apps, as the creator of “Charlie Bit My Finger” has done. 

Sell Your Stuff

We’ve all heard of Craigslist and eBay – online marketplaces designed for the average person to log on and cash in – but did you know you could use them to become a millionaire? Sophia Amoruso, the founder of online clothing store Nasty Gal, started her business by selling vintage finds on eBay. After building a fanbase she outgrew the platform and created her own website. Nasty Gal is now worth $130 million, and is set to do $128 million in sales this year. These days, there are many more online retail options on which to make it big. Up-and-coming competitors include Threadflip, a place for users to turnaround their used women’s apparel, and ModCloth, which curates vintage threads. Others, such as Etsy, a craft-focused site, offer a more targeted community e-retailer, while Zaarly flips the model, so buyers post what they want to buy and sellers get in touch to pitch why they should sell it. 

Monetize Your Creativity

We all create media content – recent estimates suggest 375 billion photographs are taken daily, while 72 hours of YouTube videos are uploaded every minute. Did you know you could make money from those images? Paya is a new site by Denver-based company T3Media that allows users to upload and sell images and videos from across 250 platforms, including Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo. It’s the eBay of digital media, and a haven for photographers of all talents, allowing you to keep 80% of every sale. If you catch something particularly newsworthy or timely, there might be big bucks in it from news sources and advertisers. Gumroad is a similar site that allows users to sell anything they create, be it a song, computer program or book. Users pick the price, and Gumroad retains only a 5% cut of every sale. Both platforms are new – how much do you think you can make through them?

Start A Blog

A handful of bloggers translate their content into million-dollar deals. First, you’ll need to set up a site which will become your platform to write on music, fashion, finance or whatever your interest may be. Build a following and readership, and you could catch the attention of companies looking to acquire your site. In 2008, Johns Wu, the founder of, sold the site to Bankrate, Inc. for $14.9 million. Entrepreneurial tech site TechCrunch was acquired by AOL in 2010 for $30 million, making its founder, Michael Arrington, a wealthy man. Fashion bloggers can also get rich. Just look at Leandra Medine, the woman behind the Man Repeller blog, whose site grew so popular it spawned two jewelry lines with Dannijo and a collaboration with Del Toro on $325 shoes. Other ways to monetize your writing include selling affiliate marketing through programs such as Amazon Affiliates. Bloggers place an affiliate link for the product on their site, and whenever a visitor buys a product by clicking on that link, they will be credited with a sale and make a commission. Bloggers can also sell advertising space, earning higher rates for more visitors. 

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Five Nigerian Gays Stripped And Paraded On Streets...

Five Nigerian gay men were stripped naked and paraded by an angry mob through the streets of Ekurede Urhobo, Greater Warri in the West African country for being homosexuals.
The men were identified when two of them were engaged in verbal altercation over money.
According to reliable reports, one of the men, known as GP, had invited his lover from Lagos. After they had sex, his visitor refused to pay him the agreed money. As a result, GP seized the laptop and other valuables of his Lagos lover and threatened him.
In response, the Lagos lover decided to report the matter to local community chairman, who upon hearing the story sent his boys to get GP and his other gay friends.
They were subsequently apprehended and taken to the community town hall where the five were stripped naked and whipped in the presence of a large crowd.
The five were also fined N100,000 ($607) and threatened to be handed over to the police if they refused to pay the fine.
Gay marriage, public displays of same-sex relationships, and belonging to gay groups is illegal in Nigeria.
Under the Nigerian constitution, anyone who enters into a same-sex marriage or civil union can be sentenced to 14 years in prison while any such partnerships entered into abroad are not recognized.

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Malaysia Flight Miracle: Officials Say Passengers Might Still Be Alive

The families of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 have renewed hope after Malaysian officials claimed that there’s still a possibility survivors could be found. An official met with families on March 29 to reveal to them that efforts are still being made to find more than just a downed aircraft.

Malaysian officials are offering up a miracle to families of missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370. On March 29, a Malaysian official met with relatives, and then told reporters he had not closed the door on the possibility that survivors may exist among the 239 people aboard the Boeing 777-200 ER that went missing March 8.

Malaysia Flight 370: Officials Say Passengers Might Still Be Alive

Families have been grasping at any chance to believe that their loved ones who went missing on flight 370 could still be alive. Their prayers and hopes were boosted after a Malaysian official spoke to some of the family on March 29, reports CNN.
“Even hoping against hope, no matter how remote, of course we are praying and we will continue our search for the possible survivors,” said Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia’s acting transportation minister.
“More than that, I told the families I cannot give them false hope. The best we can do is pray and that we must be sensitive to them that, as long as there is even a remote chance of a survivor, we will pray and do whatever it takes,” Hishammuddin added.
Hishammuddin met with family members, who’ve been listening and waiting as data analyses and estimates of Flight 370′s locations have changed.

Malaysian Officials Claim Survivors Of Missing Plane Could Still Be Out There

On March 28, Australian authorities released their analysis of new satellite data, and determined the location of debris at a new site, which could be associated with the missing plane.
Australian authorities have since abandoned the remote region of the Indian Ocean where search crews had spent more than a week looking for Malaysian Airlines flight 370, reports CNN. Their new data confirms that the plane could not have flown that far south.


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Nigerian Rapper M.I. Records With Nas

Exclusive information secured by indicates that that Chocolate City rapper; M.I.. Abaga has finally stepped out of the Nigerian boundaries where he had always enjoyed the boss status to record a new song with legendary American rapper Nas. The song also features Senegalese star Youssou N’Dour.
Although, we cannot at the moment lay a fingure on the title of the track and the release date, our close sources indicate the award winning rapper is considering releasing the track as his next single.
The song is the first collaboration M.I.. will have with an international Hip Hop act. His label mate Ice Prince collaborated with US rappers Wale and French Montana on his last album Fire of Zamani. M.I..’s last album M.I.. 2 was released in 2010.
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Wu-Tang Clan Will Sell Only One Copy Of New Secret Album For Over A Million Dollars

Twenty-one years after their debut, Wu-Tang Clan is still flipping the script. Later this year, the iconic rap group will release a new album, called A Better Tomorrow. Everyone will be able to get that album when it drops later on in the summer. However, there will be another Wu-Tang album: one more interesting, one that will be more exclusive.
Like, really exclusive. The album is a double LP called The Wu – Once Upon A Time In Shaolin. The project was recorded in secret over the years. The interesting thing about the album is the presentation.
According to Forbes:
“Somewhere on the outskirts of Marrakech, Morocco, inside a vault housed beneath the shadow of the Atlas Mountains, there sits an engraved silver-and-nickel box with the potential to spawn a shift in the way music is consumed and monetized.
The lustrous container was handcrafted over the course of three months by British-Moroccan artist Yahya, whose works have been commissioned by royal families and business leaders around the world. Soon, it will contain a different sort of art piece: the Wu-Tang Clan’s double-album The Wu – Once Upon A Time In Shaolin, recorded in secret over the past few years.”

For those who want to hear the album, you’ll have the opportunity to, but it’s going to tough. The Wu,which is 31-tracks, will be featured at galleries and exhibits. Those exhibits will be heavily guarded, so no one can steal the album.

Wu-Tang Clan leader RZA talked to Forbes about the project:
“We’re about to sell an album like nobody else sold it before…We’re about to put out a piece of art like nobody else has done in the history of [modern] music. We’re making a single-sale collector’s item. This is like somebody having the scepter of an Egyptian king.”
According to the RZA, he expects the album to sell “in the millions.” And after that, he, she or it can do whatever they want with the album (like, release it for mass consumption).
Wouldn’t it be funny if this was just like a secret U-God album or something?

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Throat Piercing, A New Trend Of Fashion

According to “professionals”, throat piercing is very painful, dangerous and hard to maintain yet it seems to be the latest fashion trend taking over the world even among the celebrities.
 I hope its not going to have any negative medical side effects on those who practice it though.
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Rapper T.I’s wife Tameka admits having fake boobs and ass

Messy talk show host Wendy Williams recently had R&B songstress and reality star Tameka “Tiny” Harris on her show and, per the usual, Wendy didn’t hesitate to put her on the spot during their brief chat. However, Tiny had no shame in keeping it real about everything from her plastic surgery procedures, to her family and even what’s really going on between she and T.I. Check out a few excerpts from the interview below:

On whether her butt is natural or “bought:”
It’s a lil bought….

On whether or not her boobs are natural:
No, they’re bought. I’ve always had a lot of boobs but, you know, after 3 babies…they sag.

We’re sure this doesn’t exactly come as a shock to most, but it is a little surprising to hear celebs be honest about what they’ve had done, riiigght?
Tiny also kept it honest about nose job rumors, the current state of her marriage to T.I. and even had a quick answer when Wendy put her on blast for not having on her wedding ring!!
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Lupita Nyong’o Fans Lash Out At Dencia On Twitter

Lupita Nyong’o fans apparently don’t have a problem ripping haters to shreds on Twitter.
The award-winning 12 Years a Slave star has recently amassed a very large and loyal following on social media. As such, anyone who runs afoul of these folks will find themselves up to their virtual armpits in angry tweets and messages. Controversial African pop star Dencia definitely found this out the hard way.
Lupita Nyong’o spoked at the Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon earlier this month. The actress discussed a fan letter she received from someone who considered purchasing the aforementioned singer’s skin whitening cream. Once Lupita rose to fame thanks to her acclaimed performance in director Steve McQueen’s drama, the individual decided against it.
“My heart bled a little when I read those words. I could never have guessed that my first job out of school would be so powerful in and of itself and that it would propel me to be such an image of hope in the same way that the women of ‘The Color Purple’ were to me,” Nyong’o explained.
Since Lupita Nyong’o and her comments about skin bleaching are possibly cutting into Dencia’s profits, she decided to address the issue during a recent interview in the UK. In short: The Cameroonian singer doesn’t really pay attention to what the actress has to say on the subject.
“I don’t care about Lupita Nyong’o and her story. We are adults and should know what we want to do to feel comfortable,” Dencia explained.
According to the Daily Mail, she previously stated that white skin was akin to pureness. The singer added, “Some people they don’t feel confident, they don’t feel pure, they don’t feel clean with dark spots.”
Once word started to spread that Dencia said something negative about Lupita Nyong’o, fans responded in earnest on Twitter. Check out of some of their thoughts and feelings on the matter below.
Lol. So I heard that the bleaching expert Dencia called Lupita irrelevant?! Na wa o! #Life
— ‘DIPO ‘YOMI (@diipoyourmie)

Who’s Dencia to Lupita? One is a common marketer, the other an Oscar award winning actress…
— TooSiQ… (@TooSiQ)

She came for Lupita. DID WE SEND FOR YOU, DENCIA?
— Pop! (@MiXO_pop)

Of course, not everyone is hating on the singer these days.

Deadass Dencia can do what ever she wants. Am I the only one who understands her? People tan there skin. Why arnt they under attack?
— BIRTHDAY BRO!?? (@Camm_86O)

I find the media’s obsession w/ Dencia & whitenicious very interesting. I mean shes not the first person to use or push bleaching products?

Are you a fan of Lupita Nyong’o? What do you think about the so-called feud between the actress and Dencia?

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Friday, March 28, 2014

LOOK: Miley Cyrus hands the mic over her VAGINA!

Atlanta – Is it shocking that we aren’t even shocked by Miley Cyrus’s latest shocking stunt? During her performance at the Philips Arena in Atlanta on Wednesday night, the singer struck a rather provocative pose that had people talking.
While performing on stage during her Bangerz tour, Miley laid on her back on the hood of a car with her crotch to the audience.
According to E! News  the 21-year-old then stuck her right leg straight in the air and held her microphone to her vagina, which was barely covered by her marijuana-printed leotard!
Miley’s tour kicked off in Vancouver, Canada on 14 February, and features a number of surreal moments including her riding a giant hot dog, rubbing her crotch and sucking on a foam finger, as well as plenty of her signature moves – sticking out her tongue and twerking, the butt-shaking dance move she popularised last year.
She also made headlines recently when she stuffed a fan’s thong in her mouth while performing.

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Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s ‘insane’ wedding guest list revealed...

Los Angeles – Kanye West has an “insane” guestlist for his wedding to Kim Kardashian.
The rapper asked the brunette beauty to be his wife in front of all her loved ones at AT&T Park in San Francisco on her 33rd birthday last October and is now planning the big day, which will take place in Paris this spring.
The 36-year-old star has reportedly given his assistants a 600-strong list, which includes friends like Jay Z, Beyonce and Jamie Foxx, in addition to the likes of Oprah Winfrey, the Obamas, Lupita Nyong’o, Prince, Winnie Mandela, Karl Lagerfeld and European and Middle-Eastern royalty.
An insider told American heat magazine: “The wedding is during the last weekend of Cannes Film Festival. But there’s no limit to Kanye’s ego – he’s expecting everyone to skip Cannes. When his assistants try to explain that some people aren’t going to show, he won’t listen. He’s going to be quite shocked when the day comes and half the names aren’t there.”
Kim has been the voice of reason and wants to more intimate ceremony.
A source added: “Kim has told him to be realistic. She thinks it’s odd to have strangers there. She wants it intimate – just family and close friends. She’s invited Nicole Richie, Ciara, Blac Chyna, Tyga and Lindsay Lohan.”

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Shyne Fires Shots At Diddy On Instagram For Snitching During Their Trial

Shyne Po sure ain’t holding back… Shyne has been firing shots steadily at Diddy on Instagram and it sure ain’t pretty.
We couldn’t help but notice that the same day that Diddy posted this Nicky Barnes post, Shyne countered with this:
                                                  Yikes… It gets more direct though.

Shyne has gone on record before saying Diddy never visited him while he was jailed and that he wouldn’t even accept a visit or call from him if he’d tried.
It probably doesn’t get more direct than this, where Shyne speaks openly about how unacceptable it is to turn on your friends in order for a better deal.
But there’s also this, from last week, which reveals how Shyne gave up years of his life rather than turn on Diddy.


                                            Do you think “Puff Daddy” is feeling the pressure???

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Singer Ashanti Drops $10,000 At Strip Club

“Spend it up…get it back….make it count…where it at..”
(BOSSIP) Continuing on the promo & celebration trail following the release of her new album “Braveheart” earlier this month, Ashanti recently made an appearance at Perfections Gentleman’s club in Queens, NY  to pop a few bottles with fans…..and make it rain on the “talent.”
Power 105?s DJ Envy was in the building on the turntables and took a minute to share this shot of Ms. Glen Cove with all her bandz in hand:

                Also in the building was none other than Junior M.A.F.I.A. member Lil Cease.
Sounds like a night to remember for sure. Are you feeling Ashanti’s “Braveheart” album so far?

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Jay Z Denies Lying About His Age And Says He’s Not 50-Years-Old!

How old is Beyonce really?! Via E!Online reports:
Has Jay Z been lying about his age? That’s what one New York City DJ is claiming about Beyoncé’s hubby. (But we’ve got the real scoop.)
New York Radio host DJ Troi Torain (also known professionally as Star) tried to claim Blue Ivy’s father is 50 years old and not just 44. But, stop the presses, y’all: E! News can confirm that public records show Shawn Corey Carter (yep, that’s his pre-Hova name) was born Dec. 4, 1969. In case you need some help with the math, this makes the king of hip-hop 44 years old—aka his actual age.

But on Star: Live and Direct, a certain on-air personality told a different story. “I shouldn’t blow this up, maybe because he doesn’t promote it publicly, but Jay Z and I are the same age,” Star said. “I will be 50 on May 3. He’s 43, 42…that’s just media bulls–t!”
Actually, any age discrepancies can be attributed to confusion of other people, because as we mentioned, public records confirm Jay is, indeed, a 44-year-old man. That makes the actual age difference between the mogul and 32-year-old wife Bey just 12 years (not 18, although really, age is nothing but a number).
A rep for the rapper did not immediately respond to E! News request for comment on the false age claims.

Besides, doesn’t everybody already know Illuminati Puppet Masters are immortal? Kidding! Jay’s forever young, anyway. But how old is Beyonce really??
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Woman Charged With Murder For Beating 4-Year-Old Son To Death Because “She Thought He Was Gay”

Someone needs to torture and beat the Jesus out of this broad every single day she is locked up.
According to Oregon Live:
Jessica Dutro believed her 4-year-old son, Zachary Dutro-Boggess was gay, prosecutors told the court Wednesday, and that was her motive for subjecting him to deadly beatings. Dutro, charged with murder, murder by abuse and second-degree assault, is on trial in Washington County Circuit Court.
Emergency crews brought Zachary to a Portland hospital Aug. 14, 2012, where doctors determined he was dying from trauma to his abdomen that caused tears in his bowel. He was taken off life support two days later. Prosecutor Megan Johnson argued the message established Dutro’s motive for inflicting on Zachary a pattern of torture and abuse. Authorities say Dutro assaulted three of her children, but Zachary received the brunt of the violence.
In the message, Dutro told her boyfriend, Brian Canady, that Zachary was “facing the wall” because he had made her mad. Her son was going to be gay, she wrote, using a slur. “He walks and talks like it. Ugh.” Canady would have to “work on” Zachary, she wrote.
Canady pleaded guilty earlier this month to first-degree manslaughter and second-degree assault in the boy’s death. Prosecutors say on Aug. 16, 2012, the day Zachary’s life support was terminated, Dutro searched terms such as anger management and parenting classes. She also searched listings for free stuff and sex with strangers, they said.
And to make things worse, the family was living in a homeless shelter and little Zachary died the day after his fourth birthday. SMH.
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Killer Robots: Natural Evolution, or Abomination?

Ask one technologist and he or she might say that lethal autonomous weapons — machines that can select and destroy targets without human intervention — are the next step in modern warfare, a natural evolution beyond today's remotely operated drones and unmanned ground vehicles. Others will decry such systems as an abomination and a threat to International Humanitarian Law (IHL), or the Law of Armed 
The U.N. Human Rights Council has, for now, called for a moratorium on the development of killer robots. But activist groups like the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC) want to see this class of weapon completely banned. The question is whether it is too early — or too late — for a blanket prohibition. Indeed, depending how one defines "autonomy," such systems are already in use.
From stones to arrows to ballistic missiles, human beings have always tried to curtail their direct involvement in combat, said Ronald Arkin, acomputer scientist at Georgia Institute of TechnologyMilitary robots are just more of the same. With autonomous systems, people no longer do the targeting, but they still program, activate and deploy these weapons.

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Where Do Sea Snakes Go To Drink?

Like most creatures, sea snakes need to hydrate from time to time, yet they live in a world of mostly undrinkable sea water. What’s a thirsty sea snake to do?
According to researchers at the University of Florida in Gainesville, they find places where it is raining heavily, wait for pools -- the scientists call them “lenses”-- of fresh water to form on the surface, and drink. They have the handy advantage of not needing to do that very often, sometimes going six or seven months without a drink.
The snakes studied by Harvey Lillywhite and colleagues are the yellow-bellied sea snake, a venomous animal that is the most widely distributed reptile in the world, and the only pelagic snake, meaning it lives in the open sea, often far from any land. Most of these snakes probably never leave the ocean.
The yellow-bellied sea snake ranges from the coast of Southeastern Africa, across the Indo-Pacific to the shores of Central America. The Florida scientists caught their snakes using nets off the coast of Costa Rica.
The snakes can grow to be greater than a yard long, although the ones Lillywhite catches are generally a bit smaller. They have flattened tails that act as paddles. Like all snakes and marine mammals, they must breathe air to live even if they do spend their entire lives in the sea.
The yellow-bellied variety are called true sea snakes because they never go on land willingly, and those that do wind up ashore have trouble maneuvering, according to Jack Cover, general curator at the National Aquarium in Baltimore who has captured snakes off the Panamanian coast.
Other sea creatures rely on complex methods to hydrate. Dolphins gain water from the bodies of the fish they eat. They also invariably ingest saltwater but have physiological ways of excreting the salt, helped by special structures in their kidneys. Seals in polar climes eat snow.
Sea snakes rely mostly on lenses of fresh water that pool on the ocean surface.
“When you have a good rain storm, there’s a lot of fresh water falling on the ocean surface. It’s less dense than sea water so it tends to float” Lillywhite said. “How big the lens is, how pure it is, and how long it lasts, depends on how much rainfall there is and the nature of the mixing conditions at the time, driven by wind, and other factors.”
The water could be brackish, he said, but not very. If it is raining or just rained, it would be pure. The lenses can be thicker than 3 feet, and can persist for several days.
The snakes come up from below and drink from the collecting lenses.
How they find the lenses is another question. The snakes seem to know where it rains in the vicinity.
“I do not think these snakes go very far looking for the rain,” Lillywhite said. “Wherever they are, they come up to breathe air. If it is raining, they will detect it and take a drink.”
Some snakes can detect atmospheric pressure and can detect when a storm is approaching or if it is raining, research has shown.
Since the snakes rely on currents for much of their movements, opportunities for hydration are unpredictable. Months can go by with a snake encountering little or no rainfall, Lillywhite said. They would have to drift to where it’s raining.
But, these snakes are built for survival and are able to survive for months without a good drink.
Snakes lose body water slowly in sea water, but are able to retain a great amount of it for a long time. Their skins also are impermeable to the sea water.
A hydrated snake is up to 80 percent water, according to Lillywhite. Most animals, including humans, have around 60 percent.
The snakes can survive a body-water content low enough to kill a human, he said.
More important, thanks to efficient salt glands, they excrete the salt from sea water they ingest, Cover said.
The snakes are venomous, but Lillywhite said he has never been bitten. He has talked to herpetologists who have been bitten, but they report that nothing much happened; either the snakes did not inject venom -- dry bites -- or the venom isn’t as effective on humans as it is on fish. Many sea snakes, including a supposedly deadly variety known as sea kraits, just don’t bite.
“The snakes we study can be a little snappy. We just keep our hands far, far away from them,” said Lillywhite.
Cover said they are often very aggressive, dangerous and have to be handled carefully. Their venom, like cobra venom, is a neurotoxin and there have been fatalities. Fishermen in the Philippines often bring them up in fish nets and are bitten.
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5 Deceptively Dangerous Members of the Animal Kingdom

Just another way Mother Nature is trying to kill you...


 The animal above looks to be nothing more than a slightly fabulous emu/turkey hybrid. Peculiar and hilarious, yes. Dangerous? No. What may not be immediately apparent is the monstrous 5-inch long, razor sharpmiddle toe that all cassowaries wield. Combine that with their powerful legs and territorial attitude, and suddenly you have a natural killer. These animals' toe daggers have been proven to fatally sever human veins and arteries.

Cone Snails

 What appears to be just an ordinary cone-shaped seashell may actually be harboring the potentially deadly cone snail. These molluscs actually sport a harpoon-like appendage with jagged edges, which is used to neutralize prey with a paralyzing venom so that they are more easily consumed. Though the smaller cone snails have a sting that hurts no worse than that of a bee, the larger varieties have proven fatal to humans. Keep that one in mind next time you're walking down the beach.

Mantis Shrimp

 A general rule of thumb about nature seems to be that the more colorful something is, the more it wants to see you suffer. The mantis shrimp is no exception. Thankfully, because of their fairly small size, they can only really hurt humans via deep gashes to the skin. Were they any bigger than a few inches however, we could have a serious problem. The strike created by the snapping motion of these animal's claws is so powerful that the surrounding temperature can reach surface of the sun levels. They've also been known to break and shatter improperly reinforced aquariums just by striking the walls. They also have some of the most advanced eyes in the animalkingdom, so don't plan on running from one for too long when it backs you into a corner.


 With a duck bill, a beaver tail, otter feet, and an egg laying reproductive system, the platypus is universally known as nature's mistake. Just make sure you don't say that to a male platypus' face. Otherwise you may be on the receiving end of a vicious scratch from their venomous hind claws. Though the venom hasn't been shown to kill a human (yet), it will still cause nearly unbearable pain. It almost makes up for the appearance that evolution granted them.

Slow Lorises

Look at those adorably buggy eyes. Wide, innocent, and perpetually inviting you over for a hug, the slow loris seems to have nothing but love to give. That is, of course, if you consider a potentially lethal toxin love. Many types of slow loris have what is known as a "brachial gland" on the inner side of it's elbow. This gland can secrete a clear substance that, when mixed with the slow loris' salilva, forms a potent toxin. Being on the receiving end of one of these toxic bites from the world's only poisonous primate may spell disaster. We're sure you can now see why they're quickly becoming one of the most popular pets in some Asian countries.

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6 Extreme Animals Sure To Survive The Apocalypse

The Tardigrade

                                               Can survive: Basically anything.
These millimeter long, segmented animals can survive just about everything. Temperatures between just above absolute zero and 300 degrees Fahrenheit are no problem. 1200 times atmospheric pressure? The tardigrade just shrugs it off. It doesn’t really care about dehydration either, seeing as it can go 10 years without water. 1,000 times the lethal dose of radiation for humans is another non-factor. When testing the true extent of the tardigrade's resilience, scientists went so far as to send it to outer space in 2007. The result? Most of the tardigrades that went on the mission came back entirely unscathed. Plus they're kind of weirdly adorable.

 The Immortal Jellyfish

 Can survive: The aging process.
These jellyfish have the ability to revert back to their infant stages in adverse conditions, making them effectively immortal. There doesn't seem to be any limit on the number of times that they are able to revert back to their infancy. Unfortunately, they're highly vulnerable to predation and disease every time they live out their immature, smaller stages.

The Pompeii Worm

 Can survive: Extreme heat, variance in temperature.
These deep-sea worms live exclusively in thermal vents in the ocean floor. Their tails are in the vents, which achieve temperatures up to 176 degrees Fahrenheit. Their heads however, poke out of the vents in order for the pompeii worms to capture prey. This results in half of their bodies experiencing temperatures over 100 degrees lower. It's thought that their resistance to heat is due to a coating of specialized bacteria on their bodies, which may provide a large degree of insulation for the worm.

The Red Flat Bark Beetle

                                     Can survive: Extreme cold.
This insect, which is native to the northern areas of Alaska and Canada, is able to resist temperatures up to -150 degrees Celsius (-238 Fahrenheit) by producing an antifreeze protein that prevents the crystallization of its blood. Its blood is also fortified with glycerol, which further halts freezing.
                                   The Devil Worm
 Can survive: Crippling pressure, lack of oxygen, high temperature.
This species of nematode, only recently discovered in 2011, has been found living up to 2.2 miles below the surface of the Earth. It blew away the previous record for multicellular organisms by a full mile. These worms spend their lives in total darkness, drinking 12,000 year old water and eating simple bacteria.

The Himalayan Jumping Spider

                  Can survive: Low pressure, freezing temperatures.
The polar opposite of the devil worm, this spider holds the record for the animal that claims residency at a higher point than any other (4.1 miles above sea level). It’s able to survive long periods without food, freezing temperatures, and a distinct lack of atmospheric pressure. The only sources of nutrition available to the Himlayan jumping spider are the tiny insects that get blown up the mountain by the high winds.

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