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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

5 Ways To Make Lots of Money With Your Social Media Account

5 Ways To Make Your Social Media Account

So you have decided to start a small business and want to find the best and most effective means of connecting with and procuring customers via your social media accounts. What may be easy for those who already utilize the portals of social media may be difficult for others who have no interest and/or working knowledge of just how they may benefit their company’s bottom line.

If you are looking to capitalize on potential customers from social media, here are five tips that may assist in leading you to greater market share for your business.

1) Define and Identify Who Your Target Market Is
A great thing about social media sites, such as Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook, is you have access to the friends and followers of those you are currently already in contact with. It may be easier to build your network of followers or colleagues by simply researching who is already within your reach. Based upon the service or product that you are providing, or looking to launch, identification of the exact demographic can help streamline you directly to those who may be interested in buying from you.

2) Improve Your Social Media Look
Is your company logo on your page or set as your profile picture? Have you included all pertinent information for a potential customer to determine the exact product or service you have to offer? Is the content you are putting forth neat and of quality standards so potential customers would want to immediately buy from you? Do you have updated contact information listed on your page? If not, most customers will not look any further into supporting your business. The best way to pique the interest of a potential customer is to bring them in with eye catching and interesting content. Be certain to provide an updated, neat and informative bevy of information to continue to draw in potential customers.

3) Engage With Target Market By Offering Something Exclusive
Identify the multitude of information or content that no other competitor is privy to, and offer that on your social media pages. Whether you are selling jewelry, donuts, legal services and/or lifestyle and fashion advice, whatever sets you apart from your competitors, draw potential customers in by offering exclusive sneak peeks of what you do different from the rest. By being the only purveyor of such information, interested customers have no choice but to come directly to you to get it. This is the perfect opportunity to pull in the interest of new customers and offer your products and services to them.

4) Engage Frequently, But Not Obsessively
Some small businesses have outsourced the management of social media endeavors to others, and this is not a bad idea. If you have recognized that you do not have the time or interest to consistently engage potential customers with offers, exclusives and other information, then outsource it. You want to ensure that your presence is felt often, but not to the point of being overbearing and annoying.

5) Use Social Media for Market Research
It is quite possible to engage followers and potential customers in conversations on social media to assist you and your business in understanding desires and needs of those who may one day need your product or services. By having access to your followers and subscribers, attempt to extract information from them that can assist in making what you offer the best it can be.

Rashida Maples, Esq. is Founder and Managing Partner of J. Maples & Associates ( She has practiced Entertainment, Real Estate and Small Business Law for 9 years, handling both transactional and litigation matters. Her clients include R&B Artists Bilal and Olivia, NFL Superstar Ray Lewis, Fashion Powerhouse Harlem’s Fashion Row and Hirschfeld Properties, LLC.

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