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Friday, May 9, 2014

The World’s Richest Selfie(143 Billion Dollars)

Selfies have taken the world by storm. No one is being left behind in the craze which has even dragged in the leader of the free world President Barrack Obama himself.
In a live interview on CNBC, American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist Warren Buffett told Becky Quick that based on his experiences with college students who visit Omaha “selfies are all the rage.”
After the interview, Quick suggested a selfie that included herself, Buffett and billionaires Bill Gates and Charlie Munger.

richest sefie
richest selfie.

Warren Buffet
Now in his ninth decade, Buffett is still doing huge deals. Last year he teamed up with 3G Capital to pick up iconic ketchup maker H.J. Heinz for $23.2 billion, invested nearly $4 billion in ExxonMobil and a Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary bought Nevada’s NV Energy for $5.6 billion.
All of this helped boost his fortune by $4.7 billion despite his gift of $2 billion in Berkshire stock to the Gates Foundation in July, bringing his lifetime giving to $20 billion. Secret to his success? In his investment letter in 2014, he told Berkshire Hathaway shareholders his best investment wasn’t a stock or business, it was buying Benjamin Graham’s book “The Intelligent Investor” in 1949.
The book’s simple, logically sound approach changed his financial life, he said. As for his advice to investors today, the Oracle of Omaha said in February, as the S&P 500 again touched record levels, to steer clear of market euphoria and focus on the potential for profits over time.

Bill gates
Helped by a bounce in Microsoft shares, Bill Gates returnedto the top of our annual Billionaires list this year amid a leadership shakeup at the software giant he founded. He’s been the richest man in the world for 15 out of the last 20 years.
After years focused on his philanthropy, Gates plans to spend more of his time working with product managers at Microsoft as rivals like Google and Apple continue to outshine the company in the market. Gates stepped down as Microsoft chairman in February, when new CEO Satya Nadella took over.
Meanwhile, Gates remains focused on his foundation’s efforts to eradicate polio (he secured $335 million in pledges to the cause from six billionaire comrades, including $100 million each from Mexico’s Carlos Slim and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg) and getting fellow billionaires more involved with philanthropy. He and Warren Buffett have thus far convinced over 100 of the super rich to sign on to the Giving Pledge, a promise to donate at least half one’s net worth to charity.

Charles Munger
Berkshire Hathaway’s Charles Munger — the right-hand man and investment partner of Warren Buffett — continues to donate his coveted Class A shares to his favorite universities and causes. Despite the liberal giving, Berkshire’s strong performance (up 15% the past year) keeps Munger among this year’s class of Forbes Billionaires.
The Omaha native dropped out of the University of Michigan to serve as a meteorologist in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He later attended Harvard Law. The pragmatic investor met friend and business partner Buffett at a dinner party in 1959. His two children, Molly and Charles, Jr. became the focus of the 2012 state election in California as they battled on opposite sides of several education propositions, spending more than a combined $80 million to support their initiatives. He is worth 1.2 billion
The estimated net worth of the three men in the picture is over $143.1 billion.
additional from Forbes.

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