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Wednesday, May 14, 2014


The Cruel Diss That Pushed Rihanna Away From Rapper Drake Revealed

(HOLLYWOOD LIFE) Drake is walking on thin ice when it comes to his relationship with Rihanna. The Canadian rapper recently put his foot in his mouth and has the EXCLUSIVE details about what landed him in hot water.
Drake, 27, and Rihanna, 26, have been kind of distant lately, and we’ve managed to figure out why. Our sources have revealed to us EXCLUSIVELY that the Canadian rapper is to blame for the friction between the two. Apparently, Drake told Rihanna that she is getting “too needy” — then, stuff hit the fan!
 RiRi doesn’t play when it comes to her heart and she’s letting Drake know about it by creating distance between the two of them, according to our source.
“She’s mad at him a little bit because he told her ‘babe, you’re too needy. Let me hustle babe. Let me work.’ That really hurt her feelings because she really loves him and wants things to work out between them,” the source revealed to EXCLUSIVELY.
Drake’s comment has sent the island diva into a funk that she has yet to come out of.
“She’s being stubborn. When he told her she’s too needy, she was like ‘all right n***a, I’ll show you needy’ and [she's] been doing her own thing since — trying to make him miss her. You know, all this high school s**t,” our source added.
Drake’s slip of the tongue doesn’t seem typical of his behavior with RiRi. Was he really trying to hurt her feelings? Our source says no, “It wasn’t like he was trying to be mean and the way he delivered the message to her was in the most respectful way. He basically told her that he’s on a ‘serious paper chasing mission and wants to get all of it while the getting is good.’”
Our source did say that although these two are having a little spat — the relationship is still “very much intact.” That makes sense to us because we reported on May 4, that these two are still very much head-over-heels for each other. Apparently, they can’t get enough phone time together!
“He sends texts — he’s staying in constant communication,” a source revealed to us EXCLUSIVELY. “He knows she wants that face time.”

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