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Monday, May 5, 2014


Beyonce is PREGNANT with second child

According to the US gossip site , Beyonce aka. Queen Bey might be carrying a brother or sister for Blue Ivy. Check out the report below..


Jay Z is having a baby . . . and this ain’t rumor either, it’s 100% FACT!!! has been hearing rumors for MONTHS that Jay has been trying to get his wife PREGNANT, and now she IS PREGGERS!!!
How can we be so sure. Well according to a SNITCH that works at the Barclays center, Bey usually drinks VODKA – but this time she told servers to server her ONLY CUCUMBER WATER. And she was spotted in the private VIP area popping ORGANIC FOLIC ACID tablets. For those of y’all that DON’T KNOW – it’s essential for pregnant women to take FOLIC ACID supplements early on in their pregnancy.
We hear rumors that Bey JUST FOUND OUT that she’s pregnant – and that she and her husband are OVERJOYED!!! Good news is the pregnancy won’t likely disrupt the couple’s tour this summer – since they’ll be done before Bey’s in her third trimester.

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