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Thursday, May 1, 2014



Chris Brown‘s mother, Joyce Hawkins, has high hopes for Chris’ post-jail future. She wants him to smarten up and start surrounding himself with people who will be a positive influence on him, instead of the group of troublemakers he’s currently friends with, a source tells EXCLUSIVELY.

Chris Brown After Jail: Mother Says He Needs To Smarten Up & Ditch His Friends

Mother knows best! It’s no surprise that Chris’ mom wants him to clean out his friend closet, especially after some of them got into a huge brawl at Supperclub in Hollywood, Calif. on April 30.
“She hates most of his friends. There are a few sweet boys that he surrounds himself with but for the most part, the rest of them are thugs who like to hang on to Chris and put themselves and her son in positions that he shouldn’t be in,” a source told
Joyce is hoping that jail will be a wake-up call for Chris to reevaluate his friendships.
“She hopes that he can somehow see this in jail and learn something from this and wake up,” the source adds. “His friends are bad news.”
We think Chris should listen to his mom on this one.

Chris Brown ‘Crushed’ That He Will Be In Jail For His Birthday

Chris will be spending the next month and a half (including his birthday on May 5) in the slammer and those close to him say he’s in serious mental anguish.
“He can’t believe that his s*** has been pushed back and he has to now sit in jail for a month and a half,” a source close to the artist EXCLUSIVELY revealed to “He feels like they’re all playing a game with him and he feels like he’s being crushed.”
We really feel for Chris and we totally get why Joyce would want him to ditch any bad influences that could land him in more trouble with the law.

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