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Sunday, May 18, 2014


Screen Shot 2014-05-18 at 9.25.15 AMAt this point in her ridiculous career, it's becoming real, real hard for Lady Gaga to shock us with something new, but gosh darn it, guys, she did it. In this new photo of Lady Gaga, out in the woods in a camouflage vehicle, wearing overalls and little to no makeup, and drinking beer, she has shocked us all. And to be honest, it's pretty darn wonderful.

So maybe this lady should focus on doing things like this instead of searching out the latest fashions, right? Like maybe instead of finding another bizarre hat, she should take of selfie while milking a cow. Instead of finding some way to gross us all out with some form of bodily fluid, she should put on her best square dancing petticoat and get on down to a hoedown. It works, doesn't it? Because goodness knows whatever she's been doing doesn't.

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