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Friday, April 25, 2014

KENYA:Kalonzo Musyoka Apologizes In Full Text For Snubbing A QTV Journalist


If you have been following up on the Kalonzo Musyoka’s Issue, am sure you have something to say about it too, but it’s time to give it a rest. The former vice president has written a full text to apologize for the remarks he made towards the QTV journalist. Although, it might not reverse the situation, it’s good that he has decided to correct his mistakes!
He says:

“I wish to clarify the following,
That this morning during a press briefing in response to Jicho Pevu and to the State of the Nation address by the President a few weeks ago, a journalist asked a question without identifying himself and/or the media house he works for.
I felt he had asked a misleading question and my answer to him was that his assumedpolitical tilt was evident and reflective of the very polarised society that Kenya has become.
I in no way intended to neither demean the young man, nor do I or would I harbour any animosity toward him.
To the contrary, I have tirelessly worked for cohesion in this country and in my lifetime supported many leaders from various communities to include the Kalenjin, Luo, Kikuyu, Coast and this is common knowledge.
I did have tea with Mureithi and duly apologised for any hurt my remark would have caused, indeed it was with a light touch but I wish to apologize to him, the entire journalistic fraternity and anybody else who might feel the comments were offensive.
I remain committed to a united Kenya and a vibrant democracy.”

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