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Wednesday, April 30, 2014


15 Shocking Facts Lil’ Wayne Doesn’t Want You To Know

Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. otherwise known as Lil’ Wayne was born September 27, 1982 and his debut record was Tha Block Is Hot (1999).
And this are the 10 shocking facts I've got so far:

1. His Baby Mama’s A Little Crazy

At 15, Lil’ Wayne was on tour with Cash Money. Citing that she was lonely without him, she encouraged him to have a daughter – at 15.
His high school sweetheart Antonia “Toya” Carter gave birth to his daughter Reginae when he was  only 15 years old.
Reginae, Dwayne III, Cameron Carter and Neal are the names of his children, bringing the total count to the number four. We are hoping that they will continue their fathers successful rapping career.

2. He Was Never A Drug Dealer

We aren’t sure why selling drugs on the side of the road is so glamorized, but despite rapping endlessly about selling drugs, he says the only ones he’s ever seen are the ones he wanted to sniff or smoke. Classy.
He has been arrested on several occasions because of drug possession, although most of the charges were dropped. His statement about sniffing and smoking turned out to be true, as only cocaine and marijuana were found on those occasions.
He did do a year in Rikers (prison) when he pleaded guilty to attempted criminal possession of a weapon.

3. He Recycles Verse

Diehard Lil’ Wayne fans who were a little too young to remember classic verses swear he came up with them, but often times Wayne slips in rhymes from other artists, like Jay Z, when he’s on stage.
This is somewhat strange, especially when you consider the fact that Lil’ Wayne wrote his first rap song at the age of eight.
Actually, as you all probably know, his whole career was built in those early years, while others rappers were struggling financially and otherwise, he was writing songs and bettering himself.

4. He Was A Straight A Student

It’s funny how guys these days don’t want to be known as smart; instead out back smoking a blunt and beating up anyone who looks at them sideways is the go-to image.
But the truth is, before the tear drops and the cough syrup he was a real brain.
Unfortunately, at the age of fourteen, he had to drop out of McMain Magnet School due to the overwhelming business obligations and to focus more on his musical career.

5. He Can’t Freestyle

Remember that Tim Westwood “freestyle”?
Exactly. In Weezy’s defense he did look like he might have been coming off a frat house bender.
His whole career actually started with a freestyle. He called  Bryan Williams, rapper and owner of Cash Money Records and left a “freestyle” message on his answering machine, which later led to his signing.

6. He’s Dead… Again

Ok not really, but he is a main stay in the internet death hoaxes quite often. If on the chance Lil’ Wayne ever really does bite the big one, he will appear to all of us on a skateboard with an electric guitar to let us know this shit is really happening.
The problem is the media, hungry for those juicy headlines they label someone as dead at first whiff of health problems.

7. He’s Paranoid

Wayne refuses to write anything down out of the fear that his journals will be taken and published like his favorite rock star of all time Kurt Cobain.What's the harm in that?

8. Started Rapping When He Was 8

Lil Wayne wrote his first song at the age of eight, showing talent really early in his life. One year later, he contacted Cash Money Records and its owner  Bryan Williams, who helped him immensely in the beginning of his career.
He called Bryan and left a message on his answering machine, and nothing would be strange about that if the message wasn’t his song! Yes, he started working with Cash Money Records after Bryan heard him rap in a message left on his answering machine.

9. Was Involved In A Shooting When He Was Only 12

While true, this title may be a bit misleading.
After playing with a handgun, Lil Wayne accidentally shot himself back in 1994. He sustained no serious injuries.
Hope this cautionary tale will convince you to take better care of your personal firearm, especially if you have small children…

10. He Has Serious Health Problems

As you might have read earlier, he was declared dead a couple of times due to his seizures.
Suffering from epilepsy, Lil’ Wayne has stated several times that he has seizures, just like any other person who has the same health problems.
The thing that might have contributed to the severity of his health problems is the famous purple drink, high in codeine, which is rumored to be the source of the seizures.

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