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Saturday, April 19, 2014

This Slug Looks Totally Harmless But In Actual Fact Its Not..Click Here For More


This is Glaucus atlanticus, a sea slug found in tropical and temperate waters throughout the world.
 This this sea slug (unlike other sea slugs) is a total badass. Why, you ask? It eats incredibly venomous animals like the Portuguese Man o' War. The sting is agonizingly painful to a human and to most animals, but poses no problem to Glaucus atlanticus, which is immune. After the sea slug has consumed the Portuguese Man o' War it "selects" the most venomous cells for its own use. The slug then incorporates these cells into its own tissues, and uses them as a defense mechanism. It also concentrates the venom, making it far more venomous than the animal it "stole" the cells from.
Surprised?Yeah,Me too..

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