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Friday, January 16, 2015

PHOTOS:Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni Allows Three year Old To Sit On His Official Chair


Museveni, M7, Sevo or whatever name you decide to call him, his blatant pronunciations of independence and open disgust towards imperialism make him darling of the media and most of the general public. however his hard line stance on other issues and his grip on power make him the subject of attacks from as many corners as imaginable.
museveniHe does have his moments like during the inauguration of President Uhuru Kenyatta. He went hard claiming his cows to be returned. Kenyans decided this was a barb to be thrown at anyone who demonstrates bovine tendencies.

During a function held recently, a three year old boy inched forward towards the banana republic’s keader as he gave a speech and clung on to him. This was after the kid had asked in thee local dialect, “ogu ni Museveni?Rukiga for: “Is this‪Museveni‬ ?” The president burst out in laughter and responded “ego ninye” -Rukiga dialect to say, “yes it is me Museveni ”
After the escapade, the little boy was given an envelope to carry home.




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